Black Dragon's Blood Read online

Page 14

  "I didn't say that.” Her eyes grew darker. He could see the secret in her soul and knew she was struggling with the truth of his statement.

  "You didn't have to. The strawberries gave you away.” He released her hands and stroked the curve of her shoulders. His body humming with need, he shifted her legs apart.

  "How can my feeding you strawberries give you the impression I'm in love with you.” Amanda's hands rested on his chest.

  "Because you were trying to cover the lack of your spicy orange scent.” William understood now why he couldn't smell the fragrance of her lust. “You're struggling with your emotions so your normal lusty flavor is absent. You wanted to hide the fact under the smell of another fruit."

  "You're delusional.” Amanda shook her head. “I was hungry."

  "For me.” He slid his lips along the crease of hers. “You're allowed to love me."

  Her whispered breath flowed over his skin. “No, I can't, you'll only leave me."

  He raised his head enough to look at her. Eyes closed tight, forehead wrinkled into a frown, pain reflected in her expression. “What would make you think that?"

  "Both Mark and Jeffery did.” Her eyes remained closed. Tears leaked from under her eyelids. Her body, rigid from past hurt, lay unyielding below him. Determined hands pressed against his chest. “Mark died because he wanted money more than he wanted me. That's the true reason he left me the night after we conceived our baby."

  William struggled to register this new information. Amanda had lost not only her husband but an unborn child as well. No wonder she'd had a burning desire to find Mark's killer.

  "Did he know you were pregnant?"

  She nodded.

  "Then he was a fool.” William couldn't believe the stupidity of the man. “I don't know how Jeffery died, but I'm glad both men are gone. Because that means, I have you. And I'm not going anywhere."

  Her eyes opened. “You can't make that promise."

  "True, but I don't plan on being away from you long enough for you to notice my absence.” He brushed the tears from her checks. “Have I left you alone for more than four bongs since we've been married?"

  "No, but your body is just hungry for mine.” She shifted, rubbing her wet folds against his hard erection. “You just need a constant release of your desires."

  He smiled and guided his thick rod into her tight channel. “I do need you. And the fragrant smell of you drives me crazy with lust, but..."

  Her legs slid around his hips, her arms circled his neck. He couldn't stop his cock's slow slide deeper into her slick, wet heat. And he didn't want to.

  He sighed. “You're what makes me whole."

  Green eyes filled with love. He didn't wait for the words as his lips covered hers. He had no doubt she loved him as blooming orange blossoms mixed with his tart scent. He increased his pace, content that every one of his erotic dreams would come true.


  Standing on the balcony of her home, Amanda looked out at the dark night. A black dragon moon hung in the distance over the mountains. A curved sliver of light lanced the sky with an arrow that warned all dragon women to be wary. No sex tonight.

  After two years of marriage, and with two small babies to take care of, she knew in less than a week she would be pregnant again. But not tonight, regardless of William's clever plan to slip her some dragon serum.

  She turned back to the open doorway. With the party going on downstairs, their guests needed their attention. She'd only come upstairs to check on the children.

  "I will not marry you.” Dee's elevated voice echoed from the living room. “I'm not interested in having a husband."

  Amanda's gaze caught her niece entering the large suite. She was followed by Amanda's brother-in-law, Scott. The two were standing in the middle of living area, arguing. Dee's face flushed, almost to the color of her red hair. Her hands were flying in every direction as her irritation increased.

  "I know William thinks every dragon woman should be pregnant, but I'm not ready to settle down.” Dee continued to argue as Scott grabbed her arms.

  Stepping closer, Amanda caught his part of the conversation. “What's wrong with marrying me?"

  Dee fought his grip and twisted away. “Nothing, but it's not what I want to do with my life."

  She backed up several more steps. “I guess you better get used to the idea that our relationship is officially over."

  Her niece turned and ran toward the guest bedroom. Amanda knew Scott's intentions so she stalled his progress. “Scott, what are you doing up here?"

  Amanda stepped into the living room, eyeing her brother-in-law's dark looks. The man held a remarkable resemblance to her husband. “I thought you knew the rule."

  He stopped and turned his anger on her. “I know no one is allowed into your precious suite unless invited, but I was talking to your niece."

  Glancing around, Amanda pretended to look for Dee. “Well, she's not here now."

  "Right, she's hiding in your guest room.” Scott stalked to the suite's main door. “But don't worry, I'm leaving."

  "Good, can you tell William I need to see him?” Amanda directed before Scott shut the door.

  * * * *

  Understanding his brother's crime of invading Amanda's space, William had a pretty good idea why she wanted to see him.

  But in reality, it played into his hands. He'd already instructed his mother to tell his remaining guests the party was over. He wanted to get to his wife upstairs.

  The living room was quiet when he opened the door to their suite. Amanda stood by the doors leading onto the balcony, staring out into the night.

  He noted the flare of hips, wider with the birth of their children, her spicy citrus scent sweeter. Her whole body was designed to please him. The lady should be feeling the effects of the potion he'd slipped into her drink before the party started.

  When he shut the door behind him, she turned and walked to the small kitchen area. Her hand retrieved a goblet on the counter. “I hope you know what you've done."

  Noticing the red liquid in the clear glass, he made his way toward her. Her scent caused his loins to swell. “What do you mean?"

  "You spiked the punch with dragon serum. I could smell the formula.” She held the glass out.

  He wondered briefly who could have spiked the punch. Then he remembered his brother's request for a small sample. William took the glass. The fragrant aroma of fruit mixed with the orange blossom scent of Amanda caused his pulse to increase. “I didn't do it."

  "Then who?” His wife's eyes flashed, telling him she was angry at the idea of him trying to deceive her. He glanced at the swell of her breasts outlined by her low-cut dress. A blush rose over her skin, proclaiming her body was heating up. He could almost hear the sweet sucking motion of the wet lips between her legs when she strolled across the room.

  "Because if it was meant for me, you missed your mark. I've had nothing but the wine we opened before our guests arrived.” Her hand rubbed her neck. She wiggled uncomfortably in her skin-tight black dress.

  William looked at the bottle he'd spiked on the counter and smiled. “I didn't touch the punch."

  "Dee just left. She said if she stayed any longer she'd give into her desire to jump Scott.” Amanda shook her head and glanced out the balcony doors. “The man was up here trying to get her to marry him."

  He looked down at the punch in his hand and lifted the glass. She placed her hand on his arm to stop him. “Don't drink that, we have guests who need our attention."

  "No, I sent them home.” He swallowed the remainder of the punch.

  "But...” Amanda backed away.

  William picked up the wine and poured the small portion left in the bottle into the empty cup in his hand. “Do you think the small amount of serum in the punch will actually have any affect on our guests?"

  His mind reviewed the guest list of the party to celebrate the end of Cornerman's term. Most had dragon blood. All the women were within the ag
e range to bear children. Could there be a population explosion tonight?

  His body was poised to add to the numbers. They had been trying for the last week to get Amanda pregnant again. Why was tonight any different?

  "I don't know.” She turned and walked onto the balcony. “You should have the serum restricted to medicinal purposes only."

  He followed her, catching her hand when she passed the double lounge sofa near the door. “I can't regulate when a woman will get pregnant."

  She turned. The seductive heat in her eyes lit a flame and he tugged her against his chest. “No, but I know you, William. You want me to get pregnant right away."

  His hands ran down her back and over her hips. He rubbed his engorged rod against her. “I told you my plan when we got married. I want a baby growing inside you at least once a year."

  "And you know I love having your babies, but with a black dragon moon on the horizon, tonight is not the time for me to get pregnant.” Amanda rubbed her full swollen breasts against the wall of his chest and whispered. “You know the curse it can lay on a woman."

  "Oh, come on, you don't believe in that old dragon-witch tale, do you?” He lifted her into his arms, laid her down on the lounger beside them and toyed with the straps at her shoulders.

  "Yes, but if it's true, we could have twins or triplets.” She sighed when he pulled the fabric away from her breasts. The creamy swells lay cupped in his hands. He dipped his head.

  "I'm willing to take the chance, are you?"

  * * *

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